[No Associated Data Item]
Kids playing in classroom together. Kids playing in classroom together.

Registration & Tuition

Fall and spring semesters are offered for each age group, with options for Monday to Friday, Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday enrollment. Current students are given priority registration. Enrollment will be available to currently enrolled participating families in March, and then open to the general public in April on a first come, first served basis.

The Deer Valley Academy and Child Care offer early drop-off at 8 a.m. and late pick-up until 5 p.m., with extended pick-up until 5:30 p.m. for a fee. Advance notice is appreciated.
Sunset at Deer Valley Resort. Sunset at Deer Valley Resort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions from our Deer Valley Academy parents.
Woman smiling at front desk. Woman smiling at front desk.

Policies & Procedures

The Academy staff use positive guidance techniques to promote self-governing behavior by the children. The framework that we practice is natural, can be implemented calmly and is very effective. Natural and logical consequences are not perceived or administered as punishment. They are most effective when their application is appropriate to the infraction.

Academy Essentials

24/25 School CalendarEvent
September 3First day of Fall Semester
October 17Parent/Teacher Conference (no school)
October 18Fall Break (no school)
November 27 - 29Thanksgiving Break (no school)
December 20Last day of Fall Semester
December 23 - January 3Winter Break (no school)
January 6First day of Spring Semester
January 20Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school)
February 17 - 21Presidents' Week (no school)
March 10 or March 17*Professional Development Day (no school)
March 11 or March 18*Parent/Teacher Conference (no school)
April 14 - 18Spring Break (no school)
May 26Memorial Day (no school)
May 30Last day of Spring Semester
*Subject to change.

SeptemberFriends & Feelings
1, 2F, H & T
OctoberOrchard Harvest3, 4I, L & ERedSquare
NovemberOn the Go5, 6D, J & UYellowTriangle
DecemberCozy Winter Senses7, 8B, O & PGreenRectangle
JanuaryGoing on a Safari9, 10C, S & ROrangeOval
FebruaryHealth & Fitness11, 12A, G & QPurpleHeart
MarchDesert Discovery13, 14W, Z & NBlackStar
AprilBees & Butterflies15, 16M, X, KWhiteHexagon
MayBubbles, Boats & Floats17, 18V & YBrownDiamond

General Policies

Guidance and Discipline
The Academy staff use positive guidance techniques to promote self-governing behavior by the children. The framework that we practice is natural, can be implemented calmly and is very effective. Natural and logical consequences are not perceived or administered as punishment. They are most effective when their application is appropriate to the infraction. For example, a child tears the pages of a classroom book. The logical consequence is that the teacher removes the book from the child’s possession after the child helps repair the page. If the behavior is repeated, the child might experience loss of library privileges for several days. Practice in fully experiencing the results of one’s own choices acts as the most effective means toward the growth of self-discipline. Occasionally, a child may exhibit behavior that is aggressive, violent or otherwise unacceptable and is unable to respond to the teacher’s methods for controlling such behavior. Enrollment may be terminated upon notice should the removal of a child from the classroom be necessary in order to assure the safety of the other children and the quality of the environment.

Dressing for School
Children should arrive at Deer Valley dressed comfortably and prepared for many indoor and outdoor activities, including water play. There are plenty of opportunities each day to work with paint, markers, play dough, sand and water; expect your child to get dirty. We will go outside as a group for play in most weather, and we expect that your child will be appropriately dressed, including sturdy shoes or winter boots. Each child must have a full change of clothes (age appropriate)--shirt, pants, sturdy shoes, winter boots, socks and underwear (if toilet trained)--in his/her cubby at all times. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that the change of clothes is always re-stocked and changed for each new season. We require a weekly supply of diapers for children not yet toilet trained. Parents will receive reminders when their diaper supply is low. Please note that children must be at least three years of age and fully potty-trained to participate in the preschool program. Families whose pre-school children participate in our ski program must supply the child’s ski equipment.

Celebrations, Holidays and Birthdays
Our curriculum will expose children to the traditions, cultures, and customs of different people throughout the world. One significant way to learn about people and their cultures is through the study and recognition of holiday customs. These holidays may or may not be celebrated by the students in their homes, but it is a chance to enhance a basic understanding of what is happening in the world around them. We would love to recognize your child’s special day at school. We encourage you to bring a healthy, store-bought treat for all the children in his/her class. Please remember that we are a nut-free environment and must accommodate the many different dietary needs of our children. We ask that you contact the Children’s Center Supervisor prior to your child’s birthday so we can discuss what you plan on bringing to share. Although we don’t hold birthday parties in the Center, we would be happy to help distribute invitations to the children for an off-campus celebration. This policy is in place to ensure the safety of all children in the Center.

Personal Belongings
Deer Valley Resort is not responsible for lost or stolen items in the Center. Make sure all your child’s personal belongings are clearly labeled. Please leave toys at home.

Snacks and Lunch
All children ages 12 months and older will be offered a healthy snack in the morning and afternoon and will receive a well-balanced lunch every day. If your child is a very picky eater or has strict dietary restrictions, please make arrangements to provide the appropriate food for your child. For infants (2-11 months), please bring milk and bottles and discuss your child’s eating habits with the caregivers. Deer Valley’s Children’s Center is a nut-free environment.

Attendance Policies

If your child will not be in attendance, please notify the teacher with a note, call 435-615-6089 or email Tracy Webb at twebb@deervalley.com to let us know. Missed days cannot be made up.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Families may drop-off and pick up their children by entering the door marked “Deer Valley Academy,” closest to the main Children’s Center door of Snow Park Lodge, and using the security process shared on the first day of the program. Drop-offs should be no earlier than 8 a.m. Fifteen minute parking is available in the front of Snow Park Lodge at drop-off and pick-up times. It is important that arrival and pick-up times be closely observed. Parents should refrain from dropping off or picking up their children during Center quiet times between noon and 2 p.m. Children may feel awkward and uncomfortable when they arrive late or are picked up late. In the event of your late arrival due to circumstances beyond your control, please quietly escort your child into the classroom. Parents who pick up their child later than the scheduled time (5 p.m. regular care or 5:30 p.m. extended care) will be charged a late pick-up fee of $2 per minute. If a late pick-up is inevitable, please notify us as soon as possible.

After-Hours Extended Care
One staff member will be available to supervise children from 5 to 5:30 p.m. each afternoon. The cost for this additional supervision period is $15 per day. You must make the supervisor aware of your desire to use this service 24 hours prior or the regular late fees will apply. See Late Pick-ups and Fees.

Late Pick-ups and Fees
Per state licensing, parents and children are not permitted to be left in the Children’s Center alone. We ask that you be on time when picking up your children so you won’t incur late fees and we won’t have to keep staff beyond their scheduled work hours. You must make the supervisor aware of your desire to use this service 24 hours prior or the regular late fees will apply. See After-hours Extended Care. A late fee of $2 per minute will be charged for children picked up after 5 p.m.

Snow Days and School Cancellations
Deer Valley Resort may observe the Park City School District snow days or cancellations due to weather or health notices and may not be open on these days.

Health Policies

Children are expected to be in good health when in school. For the safety of all children and staff in the program, children may not attend with any of the following conditions: has had a fever within the last 24 hours, vomiting, diarrhea, unexplained rash, contagious illness, conjunctivitis (pink eye), infected eyes with discharge, irritability, lethargy, a persistent cough, or during the first few days of cold/flu symptoms. If your child needs acetaminophen, cannot go outside or requires one-on-one care, he/she should not be in school. If your child shows any of these symptoms at school, he or she will be isolated from the other children and you will be contacted to pick-up your child from the program immediately. Please notify us of any communicable diseases as soon as they are diagnosed. We may require a doctor’s note clearing your child to participate in the program after an illness. State licensing requires a doctor’s note if your child exhibits any of the above symptoms within the last 24 hours. For instance, if your child goes home in the afternoon with a fever, he/she cannot be brought back to school the next morning (less than 24 hours) without a doctor’s note.

State licensing regulations mandate that we have your child's immunization records from your doctor on file prior to the first day of school before we can let him or her attend the Academy. Failure to do so can result in fines and/or school closure until the regulations have been met. If you do not choose to immunize your child, you must submit a letter from your doctor prior to the first day of school stating this decision and his/her compliance.

Health Records
In order to comply with licensing requirements, all children must be fully immunized for their age level before entering any program, and additional immunizations should be noted in the child’s file upon receipt. State licensing requires that we have the official Utah School Immunization Record from your doctor prior to the first day of school or your child will be unable to attend. If you do not choose to immunize your child, you must present a letter from your doctor authorizing this before the first day of school.

We will not administer medication to a child unless it is in the original container, is labeled with the child’s name and dosage and is given directly to the teacher by the parent with a completed medication form and the written order of a licensed health practitioner.

Photo Release
Deer Valley Resort and its agents may use your child’s photograph for the purpose of publicity, public relations, editorial or other advertising purpose without restriction as to frequency or duration. Neither your minor child nor you will be entitled to any compensation in exchange for granting this exclusive permission to Deer Valley Resort and its agents.

Safety Policies

Emergency Preparedness
Fire and emergency drills are conducted on a monthly basis. All staff are trained and consistently updated. In case of an emergency evacuation, parent emergency information is taken and parents will be notified immediately. Please make sure that all telephone numbers and contact information are kept up-to-date throughout the year.

Releasing Children to Authorized Individuals
Your child will only be released to individuals designated on your signed Release of Liability form. Please make sure this information is complete, accurate and updated as needed.

Billing Policies

  • A non-refundable Commitment Fee is due at the time of registration and may be charged to the credit card on file; $500 if registering for one semester or $600 for a full-year registration.
  • Cancellations or changes received within six (6) weeks of the start of a semester will be subject to a fee equal to 50% of the original semester total per child. Withdrawals during the semester will be charged for the portion of the semester attended as well as 50% of the remaining portion of the semester’s charges per child.
  • Tuition will be charged at the beginning of each month. The amount charged will be based on the number of days your child is enrolled each month. No refunds for missed days
  • All charges discussed here will be charged on the credit card on file. We must have a credit card on file regardless of payment preference.
  • If check or cash payment is preferred, a check or cash for the registration fee must accompany this application. For the monthly payments, a check or cash must be received by the first of the month or the credit card on file will be charged.

Biting Policy

Biting, unfortunately, is not unexpected behavior for toddlers. Some children and many toddlers communicate through this behavior. However, biting can be harmful to other children and to staff. This biting policy has been developed with both of these ideas in mind. As a day care, we understand that biting, unfortunately, is part of a day care setting. Our goal is to help identify what is causing the biting and resolve these issues. If the issue cannot be resolved, this policy serves to protect the children that are bitten. If a biting incident occurs, state regulations require that the parent of the child biting and the parent of the child who was bitten be contacted.

A. When Biting Does Occur:

Our staff strongly disapproves of biting. The staff’s job is to keep the children safe and help a child that bites learn different, more appropriate behavior. We do not use techniques to alarm, hurt or frighten children, such as, biting back or washing a child’s mouth out with soap.

For the child that was bitten:
  1. First aid is given to the bite. It is cleaned with soap and water. If the skin is broken, the bite is covered with a bandage.
  2. The parents are notified.
  3. The incident is documented on the daily sheet.
  4. No names will be exchanged between families.

For the child that bit:
  1. The teacher will firmly tell the child, “NO! DO NOT BITE!”
  2. The child will be placed in time out for no longer than the child’s age (one minute for each year of age)
  3. The parents are notified.
  4. The incident is documented on the daily sheet and in the log book.
  5. No names will be exchanged between families.

B. When Biting Continues:
  1. If the biter chooses to bite again, the same procedure will be followed. The Center Supervisor and Children’s Program Manager will be made aware of the situation.
  2. The child will be observed by the classroom staff to determine what is causing the child to bite (teething, communication, frustration, etc.). The administrative staff may also observe the child if the classroom staff is unable to determine the cause.
  3. The child will be given positive attention and approval for positive behavior.
  4. If a third bite occurs in a period of a week (five business days), a conference will be scheduled with the parents of the biter to discuss redirection of the behavior.
  5. If the child inflicts a fourth bite in a one-week period (five business days), parents will be contacted and the child will be removed from the classroom for the remainder of the day. If the biting continues within that five-day period, the child will continue to be removed from the classroom.
  6. Children who bite three times in the same day must be picked up for the remainder of the day.
  7. If a child who has been through steps 4. and 5. goes two weeks (10 business days) without biting, we will go back to Section B. Step 1. if the child starts biting again.

C. Policy Terms of Effectiveness:

This policy is effective September 24, 2010. All past biting situations are not included in this policy as the policy was not in effect at the time that the biting occurred. All biting occurrences from September 24, 2010, forward will be counted toward a child’s total biting incidents.

Inappropriate Physical Action Policy

Inappropriate physical actions (IPA) including, but not limited to, biting, pushing, hitting, slapping, knocking
down, pinching, hair pulling and kicking, unfortunately are not unexpected behavior for toddlers. Some children and many
toddlers communicate through this behavior. However, these actions can be harmful to other children and to staff. This
policy has been developed with both of these ideas in mind.

As a day care, we understand that IPA, unfortunately, are part of a day care setting. Our goal is to help identify what
is causing these actions and resolve these issues. If the issue cannot be resolved, this policy serves to protect the children that
are victims of these actions. If an IPA incident occurs, state regulations require that the parent of the child initiating the
action and the parent of the child who was the victim of the action be contacted.

A. When Inappropriate Physical Action Does Occur:

Our staff strongly disapproves of inappropriate physical actions. The staff’s job is to keep the children safe and help a child
that performs these actions learn different, more appropriate behavior. We do not use techniques to alarm, hurt or frighten
children, such as, hitting back or washing a child’s mouth out with soap.

For the child that was a victim of IPA:
  1. First aid is given if necessary, cleaning with soap and water and, if the skin is broken, the injury is covered with a bandage.
  2. The parents are notified by Center Supervisor.
  3. The incident is documented on the daily sheet.
  4. No names will be exchanged between families.

For the child that performed the IPA:
  1. The teacher will firmly tell the child, “No! Do not [bite/push/etc.]!”
  2. The child will be placed in time out for no longer than the child’s age (one minute for each year of age).
  3. The parents are notified by Center Supervisor
  4. The incident is documented on the daily sheet and in the log book.
  5. No names will be exchanged between families.

B. When Inappropriate Physical Action Continues:

Second Occurrence:
  • Same procedure followed as for first occurrence
  • Center Supervisor and Children’s Program Manager notified
  • Child observed by classroom and/or administrative staff to determine cause of IPA (teething, communication, frustration, etc.)
  • Positive attention and approval given for positive behavior

Third Occurrence within Five Consecutive School Days:
  • Conference with parents to discuss redirection of behavior

Fourth Occurrence within Five Consecutive School Days:
  • Parents contacted, and child removed from classroom for remainder of the day
  • If IPA continues within same five-day period, continue to remove child from classroom

Three Times in Same Day:
  • Child must be picked up for remainder of the day

Child Starts Again After Two-week Period:
  • If child goes two weeks (10 school days) without performing IPA, but then starts IPA again, we will start this procedure from beginning as a "first occurrence"

C. Policy Terms of Effectiveness:

This policy is effective January 1, 2011. All past IPA situations are not included in this policy as the policy was not in effect
at the time that the actions occurred. All IPA from January 1, 2011 forward will be counted toward a child’s total IPA
incidents. No compensation will be given for the time that the child must be removed from the classroom.

Welcome and Thank You
We are so pleased that your family has chosen to participate in the Deer Valley Academy. We look forward to playing, learning and growing with your child. In this guide, you will find a convenient reference to school procedures, guidelines and the family’s responsibilities. Should you have any questions or need clarification of these policies and procedures, please do not hesitate to call us.

Mission Statement
The Deer Valley Academy, in partnership with participating parents, will ensure that all children enrolled receive a solid foundation for future educational success.

Staff Qualifications
The Deer Valley Academy programs are staffed by individuals who have been trained in early childhood education/child development and who demonstrate the necessary personal qualities for working with young children. Our staff has been selected for their educational backgrounds, as well as their experiences and expertise for working with young children. All teachers undergo a thorough reference check and background screening. During the school year, each teacher will receive frequent observations, coaching and evaluations. All staff receives CPR and first aid certification, a food handler’s permit and on-going training in the area of child development and developmentally
appropriate practices.

Enrollment will be available to currently enrolled participating families in March, and then opened to the general public in April on a “first come, first served” basis. A completed application and non-refundable Commitment Fee are required to initiate the registration process ($500 if registering for one semester or $600 for a full-year registration). All families will receive a confirmation letter once they have been accepted. A Utah School Immunization Record, signed by your child’s doctor, must be submitted on or before the first day of the program. All children are welcome in the Deer Valley Academy. We do not discriminate against race, color or creed. Children must be physically and emotionally
able to participate in the program for their appropriate age or they will be moved to a program that is more appropriate for their individual development.

Age Groups
State licensing mandates that we maintain strict age requirements for the age groups based upon the child’s birth date. A child will be placed in the appropriate group based on his/her age on the first day of the semester and remain in this group even if he/she celebrates a birthday during that semester. (See Policies & Procedures for specifics on Age Groups.)

Tuition Payments and Late Fees
Credit Card Payments: All regular fees will be charged to the card on file at the beginning of every month unless instructed otherwise. Add-on and late fees will be processed at the end of the month. Check or Cash Payments: For monthly payments, a check or cash must be received by the 1st of each month, otherwise the card on file will be charged. There is no extra fee for the pre-school ski lesson. However, parents must provide the ski equipment for their child. They may bring their own; or, rental reservations for equipment can be made per day by calling 435-645-6648.

Cancellation Policy
Once reservations are confirmed via email, this cancellation policy goes into effect. Cancellations received within six (6) weeks of the start of a semester will be subject to a fee equal to 50% of the semester total. Withdrawal during the semester will be charged for the portion of the semester attended as well as 50% of the remaining portion of the semester’s charges. Cancellation fees are non-refundable.

Drop-off and Pick-up
Families may drop off and pick up their children by entering the door marked “Deer Valley Academy” closest to the main Children’s Center door of Snow Park Lodge and using the security process shared on the first day of the program. Drop-off should be no earlier than 8 a.m. Fifteen-minute parking is available in the front of Snow Park Lodge at drop-off and pick-up times; plus, there are two designated parking spots by the building in the back parking lot for Academy drop-offs. It is important that arrival and pick-up times be closely observed. Parents should refrain from dropping off or picking up their child during Center quiet times between noon and 2 p.m. Children may feel awkward and uncomfortable when they arrive late or are picked up late. In the event of your late arrival due to circumstances beyond your control, please quietly escort your child into the classroom. Parents who pick up their child later than the scheduled time (5 p.m. regular care or 5:30 p.m. extended care) will be charged a late pick-up fee of $2.00 per minute. If a late pick-up is inevitable, please notify us as soon as possible.

After-hours Extended Care
One staff member will be available to supervise children from 5 to 5:30 p.m. each afternoon. The cost for this additional supervision period is $15 per day. You must make the teachers aware of your desire to use this service one week prior to the desired date or the regular late fees will apply.

Late Pick-up & Fees
Per state licensing, parents and children are not permitted to be left in the Children’s Center alone. We ask that you be on time when picking up your children, so you won’t incur late fees and we won’t have to keep staff beyond their scheduled work hours. You will schedule your pick-up time each morning on the Daily Sign-In/Sign-Out Log -- 5 p.m. for regular care or between 5 and 5:30 p.m. for extended care. (See above) A late fee of $2.00 per minute will be charged for children picked up after their noted daily pick-up time.

Saying Goodbye
It is in the children’s best interest that parents do a thorough job of preparing them for the new school year. This can be accomplished a number of ways: role playing; driving to Deer Valley; meeting the teachers; and discussing in depth the morning routine. When it is time for the ‘real thing,’ a quick and loving goodbye is best. Tears only last a few minutes and will worsen if you hesitate. Explain to your child that Deer Valley is a safe, fun place to be and that you will be back soon. Then make sure you are on time to pick up your child. Adjusting to a new routine can be taxing on a child. Your patience and consistency will make this transition easier on both you and your child.

Releasing Children to Authorized Individuals
Your child will only be released to individuals designated on your signed Release of Liability form. Please make sure this information is complete, accurate and updated as needed. You will be asked to sign in and out every day.

If your child will not be in attendance, please notify the teacher with a note or call 435-615-6089 to let us know. Missed days cannot be made up.

Drop-in Days
Parents with a child enrolled in our program may bring their child on a day that he or she is not regularly scheduled if they check with the program supervisor at least one day in advance. Children will be allowed on a space-available basis; parents will be charged the current daily rate for the respective program.

Snow Days/School Cancellations
We will contact you via email by 7 a.m. on the morning of if we will be closed.

Emergency Preparedness
Fire and emergency drills are conducted on a monthly basis. All staff are trained and consistently updated. In case of an emergency evacuation, parent emergency information is taken, and parents will be notified immediately. Please make sure that all telephone numbers and contact information are kept up to date throughout the year.

Children are expected to be in good health when in school. For the safety of all children and staff in the program, children may not attend with any of the following conditions:

• Has had a fever within the last 24 hours
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Unexplained rash
• Contagious illness
• Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
• During the first few days of cold/flu symptoms

If your child needs acetaminophen, cannot go outside or requires one-on-one care, he/she should not be in school. If your child shows any of these symptoms at school, he or she will be isolated from the other children and you will be contacted to pick up your child from the program immediately. Please notify us of any communicable diseases as soon as they are diagnosed. We may require a doctor’s note clearing your child to participate in the program after an illness. State licensing requires a doctor’s note if your child exhibits any of the above symptoms within the last 24 hours. For instance, if your child goes home in the afternoon with a fever, he/she cannot be brought back to school the next morning (less than 24 hours) without a doctor’s note.

Parent/Teacher Hotline
Please call 435-615-6089 and leave a message whenever your child will not be in school.

We will not administer medication to a child unless it is in the original container, is labeled with the child’s name and dosage and is given directly to the supervisor by the parent with a completed medication form.

Health Records
In order to comply with licensing requirements, all children must be fully immunized for their age level before entering any program, and additional immunizations should be noted in the child’s file upon receipt. State licensing requires that we have the official Utah School Immunization Record from your doctor prior to the first day of school or your child will be unable to attend. If you do not choose to immunize your child, you must present a legal form from your local health department authorizing this before the first day of school.

Snacks and Lunch
All children ages 12 months and older will be offered a healthy snack in the morning and afternoon and will receive a well-balanced lunch every day. If your child is a very picky eater or has strict dietary restrictions, please make arrangements to provide the appropriate food for your child. For infants (2-11 months), please bring milk and bottles and discuss your child’s eating habits with the caregivers. Deer Valley’s Children’s Center is a nut-free environment.

The Academy staff uses positive guidance techniques to promote self-governing behavior by the children. The framework that we practice is natural, can be implemented calmly and is very effective. Natural and logical consequences are not perceived or administered as punishment. They are most effective when their application is appropriate to the infraction. For example, a child tears the pages of a classroom book. The logical consequence is that the teacher removes the book from the child’s possession after the child helps repair the page. If the behavior is repeated, the child might experience loss of library privileges for several days. Practice in fully experiencing the results of one’s own choices acts as the most effective means toward the growth of self-discipline. Occasionally, a child may exhibit behavior that is aggressive, violent or otherwise unacceptable and is unable to respond to the teacher’s methods for controlling such behavior. Enrollment may be terminated upon notice should the removal of a child from the classroom be necessary in order to assure the safety of the other children and the quality of the environment.

Inappropriate Physical Action Policy
This policy was implemented January 1, 2011, to address inappropriate physical actions (IPA) that arose in the classrooms. Unfortunately, these behaviors--including, but not limited to, biting, pushing, hitting, slapping, knocking down, pinching, hair pulling and kicking--are not unexpected for toddlers. Some children and many toddlers communicate through this behavior. Please make yourself aware of the details of this policy.

DVA Families: Participating, Observing, Sharing & Caring
We encourage parents to participate by sharing and observing in the classroom setting at any time during the year. However, we do ask you to first make arrangements with the teacher at least one week in advance.

Dressing for School
Children should arrive at Deer Valley dressed comfortably and prepared for many indoor and outdoor activities, including water play. There are plenty of opportunities each day to work with paint, markers, play dough, sand and water; expect your child to get dirty. We will go outside as a group for play in most weather, and we expect that your child will be appropriately dressed, including sturdy shoes or winter boots. Each child must have a full change of clothes (age appropriate)--shirt, pants, sturdy shoes, winter boots, socks and underwear (if toilet trained)--in his/her cubby at all times. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that the change of clothes is always re-stocked and changed for each new season. We require a weekly supply of diapers for children not yet toilet trained. Parents will receive reminders when their diaper supply is low. Families whose pre-school children participate in our ski program must supply the child’s ski equipment.

Celebrations, Holidays and Birthdays
Our curriculum will expose children to the traditions, cultures and customs of different people throughout the world, including the United States. One significant way to learn about people and their cultures is through the study and recognition of holiday customs. These holidays may or may not be celebrated by the students in their homes, but it is a chance to enhance a basic understanding of what is happening in the world around them. As part of our students’ birthday celebrations, we invite you to share one of your child’s favorite books in the library that week. We’ll incorporate the story into our weekly activities in honor of your child. We encourage you to bring a healthy treat (store bought) for the end of the day to share with all children in his or her class. Please remember that we are a nut-free environment and must accommodate the many different dietary needs of our students. We ask that you contact the Children’s Center Supervisor a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to your child’s birthday so we can discuss what you plan to bring to share. We cannot hold birthday parties in the Center; however, we would be happy to help distribute invitations to the children for an off-campus function. This policy has been put in place to ensure the safety of all children in the Center, as well as to be compliant with the Utah Bureau of Child Care licensing regulations.

Personal Belongings
Deer Valley is not responsible for lost or stolen items in the Center. Make sure all your child’s personal belongings are clearly labeled. Please leave toys at home.

Communication/Problem Solving
Understanding your family’s feelings, questions and concerns is vital to the effectiveness of our program. In order to do the best job for your child, we ask for your feedback. Please share your comments, questions and concerns with the teachers, director, or management staff. Your input is very important and always welcomed.

Photo Release
Deer Valley Resort and its agents may use your child’s photograph for the purpose of publicity, public relations, editorial or other advertising purpose without restriction as to frequency or duration. Neither your minor child nor you will be entitled to any compensation in exchange for granting this exclusive permission to Deer Valley Resort and its agents

My infant is not on a set schedule, is that okay?
Yes, we will address each child's individual sleep and feeding schedule according to their needs.

Does Deer Valley Academy offer a nap/quiet time?
We follow Utah state licensing guidelines that require us to provide a rest time each day, up to two hours, for the children in our care. Our rest period typically runs from 12 -2 p.m. We ask that you please plan pick-ups and drop-offs outside of those times when possible.

Does the Deer Valley Academy pre-school curriculum meet the Utah Early Childhood Core Standards?
Yes, the Mother Goose curriculum is a professionally designed curriculum that nurtures the whole child and supports the child's social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth. It creatively builds a knowledge web by weaving together activities within six domains; language arts, physical developments, mathematics, creative development, science and socio-emotional development. For more information, please visit their website.

Why must I submit my child's immunization records prior to the first day of school? Can't I just bring them later?
State licensing regulations mandate that we have your child's immunization records from your doctor on file before we can let him or her attend the Academy. Failure to do so can result in fines and/or school closure until the regulations have been met. If you do not choose to immunize your child, you must submit a letter from your doctor prior to the first day of school stating this decision and his/her compliance.

Why can't I book my child on days other than the standard full week, Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday?
It is important that we maintain a standard booking structure for the consistency of our classes, for scheduling our staff of teachers and for the children's expectations.

If my child turns three during the school semester, can he be moved to pre-school?
If your child has a birthday mid-semester, they will be eligible for the next room at the beginning of the next semester. If you have any questions, please contact the Children's Center Supervisor.

Why does the Academy open about a week after the Park City Schools open?
Historically, we open the Academy a week later for several reasons. Summer Adventure Camp ends just before the Park City Schools open, so we use that week to deep-clean the Center in preparation for Academy students and to meet licensing regulations. Teacher training and licensing tests are conducted that week as well. Finally, we hold a Parent/Child Open House before Academy begins to allow you to visit the Center and meet your child's teachers.


How can I prepare my child for the Academy and avoid separation anxiety?
Separation anxiety is a common and natural reaction that young children feel when being separated from their parents or primary caregivers for the first time. To help your child, you should first look within for whatever ambivalence you may have about leaving your child, because he/she will pick up on those feelings. If there's any hesitation or discomfort or doubt, which there often is--you hate to leave your child when he's unhappy about it--your child's going to sense it in you. The first thing you have to do to prepare your child is to prepare yourself. Check out PARENT RESOURCES in the ENROLLMENT & PARTICIPATION module for a list of Do’s and Don’ts for helping your child--and you--adjust to the separation.

What is the policy for children who are biting or displaying negative physical behavior toward my child?
We have two policies that address these situations -- Biting Policy for Toddlers (effective 9/24/10) and Inappropriate Physical Action Policy for Toddlers (effective 1/1/11) -- that can be found in the “Parents Resources” module. While these policies were written for toddlers, who more often display these types of behavior due to their age and maturity level, they would apply to pre-school-aged children as well. Please let the Academy supervisor or teachers know immediately if you suspect inappropriate behavior of any kind.

Can I have a birthday party for my child at the Center?
To ensure the safety of all children, we cannot hold birthday parties in the Center. We encourage you to bring a healthy, nut-free, store-bought treat for the end of the day to share with all the children in your child’s class. Please see the Birthday Party Policy.

Skiing Benefit

Can my child make up a missed ski day?
Unfortunately, no. Our ski instructors are assigned to the Academy children as well as to our other children's ski programs. When a child does not show up for a ski lesson, the instructor misses a lesson as well because he/she was assigned for that day/time. With ample notice, we will try to accommodate your child when possible.

Will my child have the same ski instructor all season?
Our ski instructors are assigned to the Academy children, as well as to our other children's ski programs, throughout the winter based on bookings, their work schedules, etc. We cannot guarantee that your child will have the same instructor all season, but often they will have recurring instructors. All of our instructors are highly qualified to teach young children. In addition, it is beneficial for your child to experience a variety of teaching styles and personalities.

My child will be 3-years-old on February 21. Can she ski in January?
For liability and developmental reasons, children must have reached their 3-year birthday in order to ski. Your child can ski beginning February 21.

Can we leave our child’s ski equipment at the center over the weekend?
Because the resort and the center are open seven days a week during the ski season, we ask that you take your child’s ski equipment home over the weekends. We don’t want to run the risk of them getting mixed in with our weekend child care and Fawn programs, especially during our busier periods. Also, you will not be on our security checklist at the Children’s Center front desk, which could create an inconvenience for you, our staff and our other guests. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Can my pre-school child ski more than the one time during the school week that is included in his tuition?
You may sign your pre-school child up for a second ski time during the week for an additional cost. The day and time that your child will be in this additional lesson is based upon instructor availability during the week. Be sure to leave his/her ski equipment and clothes at the Center from Monday through Friday. Please see your Academy teacher for details and to sign up your child for an additional ski time.